Submit Your Project Abstract: CSDE Trainee Lightning Talks & Poster Session
Posted: 10/6/2019 (CSDE Seminar Series)
Calling all CSDE Trainees and Students! Have you made progress on a population science project and want feedback? Want to work through some new ideas in a critical but supportive setting? We want to hear about it and it’s also time to submit project abstracts to CSDE’s Fall Lightning Talks!
This Lightning Talks and Poster session is a great opportunity to make new connections with faculty and students working in your area, and to improve your presentation and poster-making skills in advance of conferences. We will select up to 7 students to give a brief (2-3 min) talk to introduce the research displayed in their poster.
The deadline to submit an application is Friday, October 11th. You only need to submit a brief abstract and information about yourself and your collaborators on the project. Submit your application HERE.
The Lightning Talks will take place Friday, December 6, 2019, 12:30-1:30 PM in Room Green A, Research Commons, Allen Library.
Deadline: 10/11/2019